The Words of Others – The Founders
“As you listen to all that are speaking to you, you may recognize that their words are your thoughts. You may notice that your thoughts are reflected back to you in the words of others. And what you do next is you either recognize the thoughts as ones that you feel in alignment with, or you recognize the ones that you feel no longer resonate with you.
Now here’s the important part. When someone is saying something to you that no longer resonates with you, do your best to let it go. You do not need to fight against, push against, or judge your own thoughts. And as we have said, you may recognize that these are thoughts being reflected back to you that no longer resonate with you. But that does not mean that you need to convince the person who is speaking those thoughts that they should not think them anymore either.
You see, it does not matter whether you are holding resistance to your current self and your current thoughts and beliefs or your former self and the thoughts and beliefs of that individual. You don’t need to convince anyone that where you are now and what resonates with you in your current reality is the only right way to be. You can allow all others to be where they are and to recognize them as other versions of you that are still crying out for love and acceptance, for compassion.
And even if someone is speaking something to you that does not seem like something that you would ever think, or certainly not believe, allow it anyway, because you are not always aware of your subconscious mind and your other incarnations. So just know that whenever you are allowing another to be right where they are, you are doing the same for yourself.
You are constantly giving yourself new opportunities for the unconditional love to all that you are and all that you have ever been. And what this means is, you do not need to seek it or get it from anyone else.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”