Winter – Archangel Gabriel
“In your experience of what you call ‘the winter season’ you have a variety of choices before you. For those of you who are experiencing winter, there is the choice to hibernate, and there is the choice to run away. Some of you choose to embrace the winter months. Some of you meet the cold air, and even the snow, with delight. You do not see what is before you as something to shy away from.
And we want to invite the rest of you to do the same. Instead of spending more of your time indoors, look for ways in which you can enjoy nature. Look for opportunities to play and frolic, even when there is snow on the ground. Give yourselves a little spark to warm yourselves up, instead of looking to the heater or the fire to do so.
And recognize that the seasons are with you because you wanted to experience change. Your seasons are not being thrust upon you by your planet. Your seasons are a choice. And as you recognize that there is power in variety and that there are things that you can only experience in your colder, darker, winter months, you can let go of the idea that you are just supposed to hole up under a blanket and wait it out.
So bring yourselves to a new relationship to whatever winter means to you. Bring yourselves to embrace all that it is. And recognize that everything that is outside of you is showing you something that is inside and perhaps waiting to be embraced as well. We are, of course, talking about the darkness that you perceive within yourselves, the cold, that which is ignored.
Recognize the power in all that you are, the beauty in all of your many sides and all of your many seasons. And let yourselves be joyous, even when it gets dark a little earlier, it gets cold, rainy, and snowy, even when you do not feel so eager and excited about interacting with your world. That is when the spark within you is to be ignited and to be shone a little brighter for your benefit and for the benefit of all.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”