Your Unique Expression – Archangel Gabriel
“All you are and all you ever will be is your unique expression. You will never stop being a unique expression of that which is and that which always will be the Source of All. You do not need to worry that someday you will become so merged with all other unique expressions that you will lose your sense of self, or that you will stop being unique. That which you know yourselves to be now – that consciousness that you are – that will never cease. But that which you are will always expand and become more.
That which is interesting to you now will not always be interesting to you, but your likes and your dislikes do not make you unique. It is always the energy that you bring to something that is uniquely yours. It is what you do with it. That is the key. That is what you are here to explore.
You will always be the one true expression of that which you are. But how you express that which you are will change, and the changes will be a reflection of your expansion and your growth. There will be a time when you will accept all that you are and all that you have ever been. And when you reach that point, you will see it all through different eyes. You will see the expression of that which you are as not defining you. You will see it as that which enabled you to know yourselves. And therefore, it is all valuable. All experience is valuable and valid. The tragedy is no less valuable than the triumph.
Up until now it has been your way to see that which you do as having defined that which you are. That is why so many of you ask each other what you do upon meeting one another. But perhaps, from now on, you will wonder who a person is instead. And you will want to experience the expression of their uniqueness through everything. And then you will know that you have really tapped in to who that person is. And perhaps you will experience yourselves in the same way, not by judging what you have done as good or bad, but by feeling who you are as you do what you do and recognizing your soul’s essence in all of it.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”