Peace on Earth – The Quarnthians
“Behold. This is our latest transmission. We are eager to share with you all that we can. Peace on your world is not only achievable; it is achievable in a short period of time. We know how it may look to all of you. We know that it may seem as though peace on earth is a pipe dream. But it is closer than you think, and the wheels are already in motion.
So you can relax and know that this game of warring nations is almost at its bitter end. When you achieve peace on your world, when all armies have laid down their weapons, there will be a coming together of humanity that ensues. It will be a glorious time, and many who are on opposite sides of these warring nations will begin to work together in ways that were unimaginable.
So as you continue to move towards a day of absolute peace, you may wish to synch up with this idea that we are presenting to you now. You may wish to give yourselves a sneak preview. And in so doing, you will be of assistance in the peacemaking process.
When you can imagine peace on earth as a reality in the near future, you create that possibility. And we say to you that it is an inevitability. War is a representation of human consciousness. It is a projection. When you are at peace, you will experience peace everywhere on your planet.
Now being at peace does not mean that you must meditate or chant for every waking moment of your day. It just means that you will begin to split your energy less and less. You as an individual will become unified in your purpose, unified in your thought, feeling, and action. You will begin to notice that all parts of you are on the same page; all aspects of you are integrated, accepted, loved.
This is the near future for humanity. This is what we are here to witness and what we are here to assist you with. And if you take our word for it, that it is coming, then you build a bridge to that knowing.
We are the Quarnthians, and this is goodbye for now.”