Comparing Yourselves to Others – The Founders
By evaluating yourselves against any other, you are limiting the ways in which it is possible for you to experience who you are. You see, you are not here to experience yourself as any other. So when you look at another and what they have accomplished and then you look at yourself by comparison, you are getting a false representation of what it is you are and how it is you are to be expressed in this lifetime.
Many of you look to others and what they have accomplished, or who they have become, or how they hold themselves in the face of adversity, and you see them as inspirations. And that is a lovely thing to do, but we suggest that you see what it is they have done and who it is they have become as relevant to their journey. And your journey may not ever take you to those places, and by our estimation that is as it is meant to be.
You may also tend to compare yourselves favorably to others and see them as less than who you are. This also does not serve you, even though it seems as though it might as you seek to build your self-esteem through how it is you compare to others. Just remember that they are on their journey and you are on yours.
Whenever you truly seek to know yourself as you are in this very moment, that is when you are fulfilling your reason for being. You see, it is never about the accomplishment. It is never about building yourselves up to some high standard that you have set for yourself. It is always about the now and how you can express that which you are in the way that feels best to you, nothing to be accomplished, no marks on the chart, just your experience of you and the wondrous being that you are.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”