We Are Here For You
“It is a pleasure to interact with you, to give you our perspective, to share with you, who are in many ways, our ancestors. We would like to give you a roadmap for where it is you are going. However, to do so would be inappropriate and could very well take you off into a direction where you don’t necessarily want to go. So we are not going to give you that sort of guidance. The guidance that we choose to give you and that we are contracted to give you is guidance that will help you navigate yourselves.
We are here for you. We are here to help you become the you that you intended to become before you were born into these bodies. So the easiest way for you to become the fullest version of yourselves at this time is for you to give yourselves a break. We mean that in every sense of the word. To be easier on yourselves, to let go of any concept that you may have about where you should be at this time, to stop striving and trying so hard to get somewhere, because doing that only invalidates where you are and who you are more and more.
So your best course of action at this time is not action at all. It is to soothe yourselves, to love and nurture yourselves, to ask yourselves what it is you enjoy most about this incarnation, about what it is that you have discovered on your world, and to simply participate in it. To be willing to explore that which interests you, that which excites you, that which makes you want to get out of bed in the morning.
Anything that you would perceive as work is not productive. You do not need to dig holes to get to the bottom of anything, because everything is rising to the surface at this time so that you can get a good look one last time and decide whether or not it is the vibration that you would like to select. As you become clearer about what it is that you do want to play with and nurture and express yourself as, the journey becomes not only more clear, but so much easier to traverse, with so many wonderful, wonderful surprises along the way.”
Next Webinar with The Creators: July 18th; Register Here!